T. C. Cannon: One Who Stands in the Sun

T.C. Cannon combined contemporary Western art influences with native traditions, making astute social and political statements with wry humor. He did not want his art to be pigeon-holed as native. He was an artist, period. […]

Announcing the New and Improved ArtGeek.art

Now it’s easier than ever to discover art museums, botanical and sculpture gardens, historic houses, and artists’ studios in any city or state in the US! The ArtGeek database includes almost 1300 listings, and we’re adding more every day! […]

Discovering Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

A world-class museum in an unexpected place presents the history of American Art in the Heart of America. Wander waterside pavillions in a wooded Ozark ravine at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American art — Early, Modern and Contemporary. […]

Discover the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts

An important museum in it’s art historical niche, the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA) in Santa Fe NM, holds the premier collection in the world of contemporary art by Native American, First Nations and other Indigenous peoples. Read how Native artists contribute to mainstream art movements — without losing touch with their diverse cultural traditions. […]