San José Bell — Cast of Copper and Silver and Gold

San Jose Bell

In the oldest church in America is the San José Bell, said to have been commissioned in Spain in 1356. It was virtually undamaged when it crashed 50 feet to the ground from the bell tower in 1872. A miracle? Or just a superb metal alloy? […]

Discover the Oldest Church in the U.S. — San Miguel Chapel, Santa Fe, NM

The Oldest Church in the US

The Oldest Church in the US reminds us that, although ours may not be as “fancy” as the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages or the Baroque churches of the Catholic Reformation, the stories they tell of generations past are equally fraught with sacrifice and suffering, hope and faith. […]

A Surreal Meeting of the Minds: Magritte and Dalí

These two preeminent surrealists presented an alternative view of the world, constantly challenging pre-conceived notions of what is real. While creating familiar, realistic pictorial representation, both artists introduced unexpected, inexplicable details and relationships into their works. […]

Hello Dalí

“Every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dalí, and I ask myself, wonderstruck, what prodigious thing will he do today, this Salvador Dalí.“ Combining the rational with the fantastical — in architecture, art and human terms — the Salvador Dalí Museum celebrates the life and work of Salvador Domingo […]

Circus Impresario Leaves Art Museum to “the People”

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages … step right up to see the greatest show on earth! From 1840 to 1940, the circus was the most popular form of entertainment in the country.  Americans were beginning to have extra money to spend and a half-day off on Saturdays, and everyone got […]